The timestamp must refer to an existing frame, it the frame does not exist the most recent or live frame will be shown. Format must be 2014-01-14T21:07:17Z, this is the UTC 8601 format. Get this value from the player share section, while viewing the frame of interest.
Playback options
Default options for live loop and history playback modes. Control how many frames to show, how fast and the period of time to skip between each frame.
Upgrade to the Control plan to fully customize the player.
Script based player that auto sizes to available space. If used on a SPA or dynamically loaded, add a &contentid= parameter with the name of the target div to embed the player into.
iframe based player, can auto size, however aspect ratio of the content will not be maintained, resulting in possible black bars on the side depending on your webpage layout.
Our new player, currently is used for non-interactive viewing, ideal for view only on websites or lobby TVs, etc. Interactive mode coming soon! This embed code auto sizes to available space. If used on a SPA or dynamically loaded, add a &contentid= parameter with the name of the target div to embed the player into.
View of the Cow Bay marina docks and Prince Rupert harbor.