
Teleport + Axis

  • Axis is a very popular camera manufacturer with world-wide availability and cameras that offer great image and build quality. All Axis cameras will work with Teleport.
  • The Axis ACAP platform enables our Teleport Station app to be used for smart edge functionality with Axis cameras. View Axis cameras.
  • All Axis cameras support our Teleport Station app. Alternatively you can use port forwarding or the on camera FTP function. View the Axis integration guide

Supported Axis camera models

  • Dome and bullet cameras
  • PTZ cameras
  • Modular cameras
  • Panoramic cameras
  • Thermal cameras
  • Explosion protected cameras
  • Modular cameras
  • Onboard cameras
Poskusite Teleport

Setup and record in 5 minutes

Any IP camera will work, just enter the IP address and login! For webcams, DSLR, mirrorless and Point & shoot cameras, install our Teleport Station app for Windows or Linux (works on Raspberry Pi).

Poskusite Teleport

Potrebujete kamero?
Za uporabo pripravljene visokokakovostne kamere proizvajalca Teleport

  • Nastavitev ni potrebna, preprosto odstranite škatlo, priključite eno žico in snema!
  • Kamera se takoj prikaže v vašem računu Teleport, začne snemati in pretakati, enostavno jo je mogoče upravljati
  • Pošilja se z vsem potrebnim
  • Namestitev z enim ethernetnim kablom, do 100 m, daljši s srednjim razponom, namestitev na steber ali steno
  • Notranjost/zunaj, -30 °C do +50 °C ali -22 °F do 122 °F, delovanje v vseh vremenskih razmerah
  • Temelji na vodilnih visokokakovostnih kamerah podjetja Axis
  • Upoštevajte, da Teleport deluje s katero koli kamero IP ali večino fotoaparatov DSLR, z našimi fotoaparati je to še lažje!
Kupite kamero